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travel AND life STORIES


yoga HINTS

I'm coming out of the closet!

OMG, I bet that made you look didn't it!

But yes, it's true ... I can no longer live this lie that I have been trying to maintain over the past few years ... I feel that its time to step, authentically into my new (old) truth ... it's a difficult thing to cope with for some but once I have admitted it to myself and my family (that means you guys, if you didn't know) then we can begin to grow together into this bold, new future.

Here goes ...

My name is Kate and ... I'm a portrait artist ...

I'm coming out of the closet!

Whew! That feels good :-D

From now on in my artistic career I'm going to focus solely on creating portraits. These portraits will have something slightly different about them because they are going to focus mainly on yoga. Made using charcoal, handmade paint from earth and soil (as a gentle reminder that we are all children of nature), acrylic and a whole lotta love, these one of a kind paintings will capture your unique beauty whilst simultaneously inviting viewers to connect and see their own uniqueness within yours!

By focussing only on the body and not the face, my paintings allow viewers to see themselves reflected in your beautiful image, therefore becoming a radiant message of self-love and acceptance, not only for you but for all those view it.

Would you like to:

  • Look and feel awesomely beautiful?

  • Radiate confidence?

  • Accept, embrace and love your unique body and all its wondrous abilities?

  • Start an at home yoga practice that will help your fitness levels, health and overall vibrance?

​If you think it's a simple matter of drawing people doing yoga ... think again!

I've created awesome immersive packages that will not only help you to feel radiant and confident but (when practiced regularly) also improve your fitness levels, strength and overall health as well as giving you an amazing piece of original art that acts as a gentle reminder of the power of living in the present moment and above all, your unique beauty.

Does that sound too good to be true? Maybe it is .... read on for more!

Here's how it'll work:

When you purchase one of my Yoga Portrait packages you will not only receive a beautiful, one of a kind, original piece of hand made art but also EVERYTHING you see below

  • Complimentary consultation via Skype, FaceTime or Google Hangouts (or in person if you are based in Vienna, Austria

  • FREE EMBRACING your UNIQUENESS Yoga Class (suitable for ALL levels, no experience necessary). Either on Skype, FaceTime or Google Hangouts or in person if you are based in Austria

  • Either a FREE recording of our session that can be viewed anytime OR a FREE photo shoot where we will choose an image to be turned into your one of a kind portrait

  • Your very own Yoga Portrait made with love and care

  • Lifetime access to my ACTIVATE your RADIANCE members only page


Yup, my furry friends EVERYTHING above is COMPLIMENTARY with EVERY package!

Just see the site for more details!

If you aren't sure yet if this is for you, don't worry! I have FREE workshops coming soon throughout the U.K and in Austria where we will dive into meditation, movement (there'll be some challenging moments and some easier ones), deep relaxation and some tips to take home too!

You don't need any previous Yoga experience, these classes are designed for ALL levels.

Come and join the FUN!

Simply sign up using the 'bookings' page of my website! I'm so stoked to be able to help you embrace your uniqueness and in turn


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