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Online Yoga Courses coming soon!

Hey guys!

So, it's been over a year since I wrote to you all ... can you believe it? It seems so much longer and yet I remember writing my last message to you as if it was yesterday!

In a year, so much has happened. Not only for me, but also in the world. The pandemic has changed so much for us all, and I think I'm not alone when I say that this year has thrown up many opportunities to reflect on what really matters.

Having so much time at home, on the one hand, has been amazing ... I have been able to spend great quality time with my son and husband. I have learned to bake (so far only muffins but that's a giant leap for me! LOL) and honestly have quite enjoyed the lockdowns so far. Recently, I'm a bit over it, I have to say but I'm hopeful that this situation will resolve ... at least this year.

One thing that has been prominent throughout last year was the switch to doing things online. So many businesses have had to move their entire livelihoods to an online modus. My boss was no exception. Since March last year, we have been offering all yoga classes online and have only just been able to re-open the studio (with limited capacity). You can check it out by doing a search for Doktor Yoga in Vienna! I'm there!

This switch has been interesting for me as it has been a dream of mine since I started teaching yoga almost 9 years ago to create online courses or videos and launch my own online studio. Some of you may have received my e-book when you signed up to receive my newsletter, in which you would have been able see a very early demonstration of my online classes! I wince now, when I look at those early tutorials and see how clunky they were! Thanks for watching if you did!

Well, with all the classes I have been teaching online for my job, I have learned a hell of a lot about online offerings and earlier in the year I bought myself a great mic and started recording tutorials for my YouTube channel!

I'm hoping there will be something for everyone as I have over 10 years experience practicing and 9 years teaching. I have amassed a wealth of knowledge about my subject including anatomy, biomechanics and safe practice and I want to share it with you guys!

I will be offering courses and with different focuses, such as calming restorative classes, traditional hatha styles, challenging vinyasa flows, arm balance techniques, how to handstand and even the odd meditation. Whether you are a beginner yogi or a grizzled old master, I will have something for you!

The first of these courses has already been created and I'm on the brink of launching!

It's called '21 Days to a Healthy Practice' and there will be more details coming soon ... in the meantime, please check out the cute little video I made for it below!

My style of teaching is fun and friendly and I teach with a heavy focus on mindfulness, so we will be extra attentive to our bodies and how we are feeling right NOW, in this moment.

So, my wonderful friends and family! Thank you for reading this far ... you might be asking yourselves now 'but what about art?! This is an artists website, no?!'

Don't worry! I will still be creating art ... I will still be applying for gallery representation and residencies as they come up. Art is not something that I have forgotten, it is simply another part of my journey. I honestly don't see why we have to pigeon hole ourselves into being only 1 thing! I am an artist, and illustrator AND a yoga teacher and I love all of these things equally!

PLUS, I will be restarting my Yoga Portraits for everyone who wants to have one :)

I am simply adding to my site to reflect my current situation and plans but please always know that you can contact me for any art related questions or queries :)

I do hope that these last couple of (very weird) years have been healthy and relatively happy for you all.

I look forward to 'seeing' you soon and wish you all so much love!



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