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Interview with Nuno Leitao of the Nuno Blog!

Nuno is doing amazing things!

Family time!

As well as being an expert addiction councillor, he has also been a Psychotherapist and Life coach since 2012, supporting hundreds of clients in the UK to produce extraordinary changes in their personal lives.

Nuno and I met through a business school that we both attended and found that we both have a love of travel. Nuno asked me to share some healing travel experiences with him for his new blog ... watch this space, that's coming soon ... and here he tells us a little bit about his blog, life, inspirations and history!

He has a great story! You can check out all his stuff as well as free and paid for online training at

Nuno and his kids!

Kate: Tell us a bit about you: Where do you work out of, what you do, what your mission is & how your work makes an impact…

Nuno: I am a qualified Counsellor and Life Coach and gambling addiction recovery expert and I spend my time since 2012 immersed in helping individuals with their recovery and wellness. I hold a diploma in Integrative Counselling – BACP accredited course programme, Gold Book Standards. My referrals come mainly from Gamcare, the UK’s number 1 charity providing help and support for gambling addiction. I work in Norwich, Norfolk but initially I started in Ipswich, Suffolk where I’m about to close all my clients and focus my attention in Norwich.

I found my mission in 2008 when I became a support worker: helping people. Later on I was looking for something else and the funny fact I want to share is this:

K: Share a fun fact that most people don't know about you!

N: When I was a support worker I thought that something else must be available, as rewarding as caring but different in the ways, means and financial rewards.

Then I decided to meet a careers adviser. Following an extensive questionnaire I was given 2 options: DIY and counselling. DIY I might expect because I’m pretty good with that, but counselling I asked: “What is that?” Well now you know, I didn’t even know what that was and entailed.

When she explained what that was I responded: I think I’ll like that. Here I am, loving my job, enjoying it every minute and now trying to reach out as many people as possible me worldwide. This became my passion, or maybe I should say: I found my thing!

K: Whose persona(s) influence you? [people you regard as teachers, whose authentic message resonates for you and influences your decisions, either as a writer or as an individual – ideally both]

N: I have to admit that I have a few people that have had a big influence in me: For a start, my parents that were both like a role model. Later in life my handball coach, a great man and leader.More recently I have a few: Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins. When it comes to inspire people I have to mention a business mentor Mike Hobbs and now Ryan Eliason. Finally I’m following a great man that has been an addict for 24 years and made an amazing recovery: Tommy Rosen.

K: What made you choose blogging as your medium?

N: A few years ago I started to read some books, attending some trainings and courses and I came across a few titles: “Blogging Brilliantly” by Christine Tremoulet and “Turn your passion into a million” by Anik Singal and this too is about blogging. On top of that Ray Higdon also a great blogger made me take the jump.

K: What’s the best advice you ever received?

N: The best advice I took on board was “Don’t worry about being perfect, do it and then perfect it.”

K: What are your favourite books or movies on travel writing?

N: I love in particular a few blogs that talk about travelling and how people can heal from inside out by doing it: “The Atlas of Beauty” a project by Mihaela Noroc, “Adventurous Kate” and “Salt of Portugal” just to mention a few. I don’t have a particular movie I like to watch, but I love the programmes on TV like Discovery.

K: How has your writing influenced you as a person?

N: I think writing and reflecting comes together and that’s the place that makes me do a lot of research and there’s too much to learn to ignore.

K: Is there anything you would like us to take away from this interview today?

N: After losing a quarter of a million back in 2002 when my business collapsed, I never thought that I would be in the position I am now, so my advise is:“If you ever had dreamed that you deserve more for your life, please listen to it as I believe it is the sound of your soul inviting you to become whole again.” (Tommy Rosen)

K: What is your latest project, and how can we find out more about and/or support it?

N: I am now building a new blog where I am creating modules, trainings, action plans etc to help essentially people with gambling problems. My ultimate goal will be to build a retreat in my country where different approaches and therapists can turn people’s lives around. Find it at

This is Nuno!

Thank you so much Nuno! You are such an inspiration and your work in the world is needed and necessary! Such wonderful answers and I look forward to seeing where this new blog and training will take us!

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